Anime Convention Double-Header

The staff will be splitting forces and hitting up both Sakura-Con and Anime Boston this weekend. As the first big event of the year for the team, we are certainly looking forward to both events. Expect a lot of new products and our usual […]

Shipping Delays

A final update on the situation with the Da Capo orders.

All outstanding orders will be processed tomorrow (Monday) morning.

Should anyone have any questions regarding their orders, do not hesitate to contact our support staff at support AT

We appreciate everyone’s understanding.

2011 Convention Schedule

Greetings customer types, this is your peddler of otaku fun times speaking.

The schedule for 2011 is now available on the site. Some of you may notice events that we attended last year that we do not have listed currently. At the time our list was compiled, some of these conventions had not announced […]

2011 Convention Schedule…?

We apologize that the schedule still hasn’t been posted on the site. For the most part, we are returning to the events we attended back in 2010. Use that as a marker until we get the schedule up…which should be soon!

Again, we apologize humbly for the delays. m(_ _)m

Ohayocon 1/28 – 1/30

The staff at Hendane!.com will be heading off to Columbus, OH for the next iteration of Ohayocon. This con will be notable for being the first stop for all the new inventory we’ve procured from Comic Market 79 last month. If it is the latest and greatest doujin featuring Kirino from OreImo, or a […]