Charity Doujinshi for Disaster Relief in Japan

As many you may know, on March 11 of this year the Tohoku Earthquake caused widespread damage and loss of life with recovery efforts that continue to this day. Joining alongside others who have made the efforts to support disaster relief in the Tohoku region, Hendane! has teamed up with the Japanese Society for International Cultivation of Mutual Friendship to sell a doujinshi for the sake of disaster relief. The doujinshi, titled “Little Hands” features gorgeous illustrations from a veritable who’s who of Japanese artists including a number of international artists as well. Proceeds from the sale of this doujinshi will go directly to the Japanese Red Cross for the sake of disaster relief in Japan. This doujinshi will go on sale at Anime Expo this weekend and will also be made available at Otakon and online sales.

Hit the jump for more details on participating artists and samples from the doujinshi itself.

Continue reading Charity Doujinshi for Disaster Relief in Japan

Sakura-Con 4/2 - 4/4

Hendane! will be returning to Seattle for Sakura-Con! This year we are located at booths 103, 105, 107, 109 which is not too far from our spot last year. Mark the spot and don’t forget! We plan to make this our biggest showing at Sakura-Con yet and are bringing more doujinshi and games than ever before. In addition,  we’ve stocked our shelves with products geared towards this year’s guest lineup.

Check out what we have in store for Sakura-Con after the jump. (more…)